The Cliffs
They sing of the grandeur of cliffs inland,
But the cliffs of the ocean are truly grand;
And I long to wander and dream and doubt
Where the cliffs by the ocean run out and out.
To the northward far as the eye can reach
Are sandhill, boulder, and sandy beach;
But southward rises the track for me,
Where the cliffs by the ocean run out to sea.
Friends may be gone in the morning fair,
But the cliffs by the ocean are always there;
Lovers may leave when the wind is chill,
But the cliffs by the ocean are steadfast still.
They watch the sea and they ward the land,
And they warn the ships from the treacherous sand;
And I sadly think in the twilight hour
What I might have been had I known my power.
Where the smoke-cloud blurs and the white sails fill,
They point the ships to keep seaward still;
And I think—Ah, me!—and I think—Ah, me!
Of the wreck I’d saved had I kept to sea.
Oh! the cliffs are old and the cliffs are sad,
And they know me sane, while men deem me mad.
Oh! the cliffs are firm and the cliffs are strong,
And they know me right, while men deem me wrong.
And I sometimes think in the dawning gray,
I am old as they, I am old as they;
And I think, I think that in field and town
My spirit shall live till the cliffs come down.
Henry Lawson
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Ancient World
Thursday, July 28, 2011
50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God
Plastic ..the infographic
- Use reusable bags
- Cut the bottled water out of your life
- Say no to single-serve plastic packaging
- Use sandwich boxes instead of sandwich bags (cooler anyway!)
- Use silverware (.. which actually results in a little more pleasant of an eating experience)
- Go digital (forget the old-school plastic CDs & cases)
- Use a refillable dispenser
- Bring your “to-go” mug with you
- Avoid plastic you can’t easily (and probably won’t) recycle
- Try to find products not made of plastic (when you have to buy something, that is)
++ Click to Enlarge Image ++
Source:Reusable Bags
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
coffee vs tea (infographic)
15 things you should know about caffeine (infographic)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Infographic: The Social Travel Revolution
Social media can shape the way that we make our decisions on a day-to-day basis and this is seen very much in the travel industry. This great infographic from Swedish social travel startup Tripl demonstrates how interactions through social media are effecting this industry.
A few key points of interest for me are:
- 72% of all social network users access their social network sites daily while they are travelling
- 200 million passengers will board GOGO-WIFI flights this year
- 69% of all travel companies saw traffic growth from Facebook
- 46% of all travel companies saw traffic growth from Twitter
- The top 5 airlines have 2,566,000 fans on Facebook
- 50 million trip reviews have been created for TripAdvisor
This infographic gathers data from major players in the social media field, as well as large travel and data sites like and
Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης... έφυγε ο δημιουργός του Ζορμπά...
«Ο Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης είναι ο πρώτος, ανάμεσα στους μετρημένους στα δάχτυλα του ενός χεριού συναδέλφους σκηνοθέτες, που μπόρεσε να βγάλει την Ελλάδα έξω από τα σύνορά της. Και το έκανε μεταφέροντας στον κινηματογράφο τον Ευριπίδη και τον Καζαντζάκη, κάνοντάς τους αγαθό του διεθνούς κοινού, προβάλλοντας την ιδέα του ελληνισμού, όταν στην κοιτίδα του επί της ουσίας δεν υπήρχε καν σοβαρή κινηματογραφία».
Με αυτά τα λόγια ο δημοσιογράφος, Χρήστος Σιάφκος, που υπογράφει τη βιογραφία του Μιχάλη Κακογιάννη «Σε πρώτο πλάνο» (εκδ. Ψυχογιός) καλωσορίζει το 2009 τον αναγνώστη στην «υπέροχη» περιπέτεια ζωής του διεθνούς σκηνοθέτη.
Ο Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης (1922-25 Ιουλίου του 2011) του Παναγιώτου ήταν σύγχρονος Έλληνο-Κύπριος ηθοποιός και σκηνοθέτης.
Γεvvήθηκε στην Λεμεσό της Κύπρου στις 11 Ιουνίου του 1922. Σπούδασε νομικά και θέατρο στο Λονδίνο. Εργάστηκε ως ηθοποιός και σκηνοθέτης στην αγγλική σκηνή το 1941 - 1951 και ως διευθυντής της "Κυπριακής Ώρας" στο BBC (1941-1951) και ως ηθοποιός στο αγγλικό θέατρο (1945-1951). Το 1951 που επέστρεψε στην Αθήνα αφιερώθηκε ως σκηνοθέτης του θεάτρου και από το 1952 του κινηματογράφου.
Τιμήθηκε με πολλά βραβεία σκηνοθεσίας. Μιλούσε αγγλικά, γαλλικά και ιταλικά και ήταν μόνιμος κάτοικος Αθηνών (Πλάκα). Απεβίωσε μετά από δέκα μέρες νοσηλείας, πλήρης ημερών.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
INFOGRAPHIC: Marine turtles in the Coral Triangle
Marine turtles are to the Coral Triangle what jewels are to a crown: both indispensable and marvelous. In the case of turtles, they are also highly vulnerable. Check out this infographic to discover the simple aspects of turtles' life cycle, and the threats they face in the ocean.
Climate Change Threatens “World Peace and Security,” says United Nations
Climate change poses a major threat to future peace and security, a senior UN official has warned. Achim Steiner from the UN Environment Program said climate change would also “exponentially” increase the scale of natural disasters. But the 15-member council apparently failed to agree on whether climate change itself was a direct threat to international peace and security, even after a rebuke by the United States which described the lack of consensus as “pathetic.” Source: Planetsave (
Saturday, July 23, 2011
toomanytribbles: what's the largest radio telescope in space?
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Recycling: The Good, The Better, The Best {Infographic}
++ Click to Enlarge Image ++
Source:Reusable Bags
STS-135 Landing ..end of an era...
Space shuttle Atlantis (STS-135) touches down at NASA's Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), completing its 13-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS) and the final flight of the Space Shuttle Program, early Thursday morning, July 21, 2011, in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Overall, Atlantis spent 307 days in space and traveled nearly 126 million miles during its 33 flights. Atlantis, the fourth orbiter built, launched on its first mission on Oct. 3, 1985. Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Most Beautiful Greek Beach 2011 | Ομορφότερη Ελληνική Παραλία 2011
Crazy Environmental & Global Warming Politics News
και οι συνδεσμοι...
Source: Planetsave (
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Lego Antikythera Mechanism
Pale blue more marvelous adaptation
Pale Blue Dot - Animation from Ehdubya on Vimeo.
I've been enrolled in illustration at Sheridan College for the the last 4 years and this is my final thesis project. I have always thought of Carl Sagan's writings as "scientific poetry" since they lack the cold touch that science is often cursed for having. I think Sagan's words resonate more than ever, and will continue with each generation until the human species "wakes up". The first time I heard this excerpt from his book "Pale Blue Dot" it literally changed my life, and I hope it does for you too. Enjoy.
Written and Narrated: Carl SaganMusic: Hans Zimmer "You're So Cool"
Art and Animation: Adam Winnik
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Canon vs Nikon
There’s nothing like a ‘Canon’ vs ‘Nikon’ discussion to get photographers going. Those with cameras from either brand love to defend their purchase…. and those with other brands always have an opinion too. So when we were offered this infographic we thought it might be a fun comparison!Read more:
Ocean Sky...
Ocean Sky from Alex Cherney on Vimeo.
At a star party in August 2009 I took my first long exposure photograph of the night sky. I was so thrilled with the results that I dedicated most moonless weekends since then to photographing two things I love the most in nature - the night sky and the Ocean.
Taking a series of images and combining them into a time lapse video sequence made it even more interesting. I have since experimented with all-night time lapses, panning motion, etc. But most importantly I've enjoyed the journey immensely.This time lapse video is the result of almost 1.5 years of work, 31 hours of taking images during six nights on Southern Ocean Coast in Australia.Ocean Sky was awarded the overall winner prize at STARMUS astrophotography competition: Sound track is by Redmann Alex Cherney
Doctors on Drugs
Come Fly With Us
Come Fly With Us from David Hendrix on Vimeo.
A tribute to one of the most significant & stylish aircraft in history, the Boeing B307 Stratoliner. Also an exercise in seeing just how much I could abuse one HDR image by getting as many angles as possible ;)
B307 model from aeronautica 3D:
Audio: American Patrol by Glenn Miller Orchestra