Enjoy Athens city in this festive atmosphere!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Timeline of Summer Work-Wear
Many people might be wondering what clothes are appropriate in the grueling heat of summer. If you can’t run to comfortable footwear and cooling clothing, what are you to do when the thermostat is set to broil? Many people have chosen to wear elegant sandals that make casual summer clothing seem updated and professional, as well as linen suits and breathable cotton. .... more @ Source:Adecco USA
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Tips You'll Treasure Infographic
Top 20 Fun Christmas Facts Around the World
Friday, December 23, 2011
Ten Successful Years of Mapping the Middle Atmosphere
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
December 22 is a Solstice Day in 2011
The December solstice occurs when the sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In other words, it is when the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun. Depending on the Gregorian calendar, the December solstice occurs annually on a day between December 20 and December 23. On this date, all places above a latitude of 66.5 degrees north (Arctic Polar Circle) are now in darkness, while locations below a latitude of 66.5 degrees south (Antarctic Polar Circle) receive 24 hours of daylight.
Use the Sunrise and Sunset calculator to calculate the number of daylight hours in many cities worldwide during the December solstice.
The sun is directly overhead on the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere during the December solstice. It also marks the longest day of the year in terms of daylight hours for those living south of the equator. Those living or travelling south from the Antarctic Circle towards the South Pole will see the midnight sun during this time of the year.
On the contrary, for an observer in the northern hemisphere, the December solstice marks the day of the year with the least hours of daylight. Those living or traveling north of the Arctic Circle towards the North Pole will not be able to see the sun during this time of the year.
more : via timeanddate.com
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog, a new online database of habitable worlds
Scientists are now starting to identify potential habitable exoplanets after nearly twenty years of the detection of the first planets around other stars. Over 700 exoplanets have been detected and confirmed with thousands more still waiting further confirmation by missions such as NASA Kepler.
Most of these are gas giants, similar to Jupiter and Neptune, but orbiting very dangerously close to their stars. Only a few have the right size and orbit to be considered suitable for any life.
Now the Planetary Habitability Laboratory (PHL) of the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo (UPR Arecibo) presents a new assessment of the habitability of these worlds as part of its Habitable Exoplanets Catalog (HEC).
The catalog not only identifies new potential habitable exoplanets, including exomoons like the Pandora world in the movie Avatar, but also ranks them according to various habitability indices.
"One important outcome of these rankings is the ability to compare exoplanets from best to worst candidates for life", says Abel Mendez, Director of the PHL and principal investigator of the project.
According to Mendez, "New observations with ground and orbital observatories will discover thousands of exoplanets in the coming years. We expect that the analyses contained in our catalog will help to identify, organize, and compare the life potential of these discoveries."
The catalog lists and categorizes exoplanets discoveries using various classification systems, including tables of planetary and stellar properties. One of the classifications divides them into eighteen mass and thermal categories, creating a table similar to a periodic table for exoplanets.
Additional resources of the catalog will include scientific visualizations and stellar maps of exoplanets. Various undergraduate students participated in the project.
Only two confirmed exoplanets so far match the criteria for habitability in the catalog, Gliese 581d and HD 85512b, both still marginally Earth-like. However, the catalog identifies over 15 exoplanets and 30 exomoons as potential habitable candidates.
Future observations with new instruments, such as the proposed NASA Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF), will be necessary to confirm the suitability for life of any of these candidates.
"I hope this database will help increase interest in building a big space-based telescope to observe exoplanets directly and look for possible signatures of life," says Jim Kasting, an expert on planetary habitability science from Penn State.
The catalog is available now online at the PHL website phl.upr.edu. A poster will be presented at the First Kepler Science Conference from December 5th to 9th, 2011 in NASA Ames, Moffet Field, California.
The PHL is a research and educational virtual laboratory dedicated to studies of the habitability of Earth, the Solar System, and exoplanets. The PHL is managed by the UPR Arecibo with the international collaboration of scientists from various institutions including NASA and SETI.
The catalog uses new habitability assessments like the Earth Similarity Index (ESI), the Habitable Zones Distance (HZD), the Global Primary Habitability (GPH), classification systems, and comparisons with Earth past and present. It also uses data from other databases, such as the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia, the Exoplanet Data Explorer (exoplanets.org), the NASA Kepler Mission, and other sources.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
πρώτα να πιάσω τον σφυγμό σου...
Πρώτα να πιάσω τα χέρια σου
Να ψηλαφίσω το σφυγμό σου
Ύστερα να πάμε μαζί στο δάσος
Ν᾿ αγκαλιάσουμε τα μεγάλα δέντρα
Που στον κάθε κορμό έχουμε χαράξει
Εδώ και χρόνια τα ιερά ονόματα
Να τα συλλαβίσουμε μαζί
Να τα μετρήσουμε ένα-ένα
Με τα μάτια ψηλά στον ουρανό σαν προσευχή.
Το δικό μας το δάσος δεν το κρύβει ο ουρανός.
Δεν περνούν από δω ξυλοκόποι.
forum για την Ελλάδα: «ΑΝΤΙΔΡΑΣΗ στη Νεανική Ανεργία, ΔΡΑΣΗ στην Παιδεία»
Σας προσκαλούμε το Σάββατο 3 Δεκεμβρίου και ώρα 11:00, στην εκδήλωση που διοργανώνει το "forum για την Ελλάδα" με θέμα «ΑΝΤΙΔΡΑΣΗ στη Νεανική Ανεργία, ΔΡΑΣΗ στην Παιδεία» .
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Κέντρο Γαία του Μουσείου Φυσικής Ιστορίας Γουλανδρή, Όθωνος 100, Κηφισιά, τηλ. 210 801 5870, website : www.gnhm.gr.
1) Ανδρέας Ανδριανόπουλος, τέως υπουργός Ανάπτυξης, πρόεδρος του Forum για την Ελλάδα
2) Τάκης Μίχας, δημοσιογράφος, διεθνολόγος, πολιτικός αναλυτής
3) Βασίλειος Παπάζογλου, καθηγητής Ε.Μ.Π., ειδικός γραμματέας υπουργείου Παιδείας
4) Βάσω Κιντή, αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια, Τμήμα Μεθοδολογίας, Ιστορίας & Θεωρίας των Επιστημών (ΜΙΘΕ)
5) Νίκος Χριστοδούλου, διευθυντής ορχήστρας – συνθέτης
Την εκδήλωση θα συντονίσει ο Δημήτρης Κατσούδας, επιστημονικός διευθυντής του “forum για την Ελλάδα”.Στην εκδήλωση θα συμμετάσχουν μαθητές σχολείων και φοιτητές, ενώ -μέσω Skype- νέοι από την υπόλοιπη Ελλάδα και τον κόσμο θα παρέμβουν στη συζήτηση. Πόλεις που συμμετέχουν: ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ, ΚΟΜΟΤΗΝΗ, ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ, ΛΑΡΙΣΑ, ΛΟΝΔΙΝΟ, ΜΑΣΣΑΧΟΥΣΕΤΗ.
Στο τέλος της εκδήλωσης θα παρουσιαστούν καλλιτεχνικά δρώμενα υπό τον τίτλο :
ART INTERVENTION ( Παρέμβαση της Τέχνης).Η αστική μη κερδοσκοπική εταιρία “forum για την Ελλάδα” αποτελεί ένα think tank, σημείο συνάντησης δημιουργικών δυνάμεων, των σκεπτόμενων δημιουργικών και φιλελεύθερων ανθρώπων της σύγχρονης Ελλάδας, οι οποίοι με την ανταλλαγή ιδεών, την παραγωγή συγκεκριμένων προτάσεων, την προβολή λύσεων και την ανάληψη πρωτοβουλιών, αποσκοπούν στην εθνική κινητοποίηση για την αλλαγή και τον εκσυγχρονισμό, στη δημιουργία μιας νέας προσέγγισης για το μέλλον της χώρας.Η εκδήλωση θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά, μέσω internet, από την ιστοσελίδα:www.forumgreece.tv, όπου και θα βρείτε περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Star Trek Sequel Opens May 2013, Abrams Targets Benicio del Toro
J.J. Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek surprised many by being both faithful to the original source material and also widely accessible to new viewers. Sequel talk started almost immediately, but Abrams wanted to make Super 8 before returning to Starfleet. Now that that’s out of the way, we’re finally getting some substantial news about the film.
The MTV Movies Blog caught up with Abrams on the red carpet for Super 8‘s DVD and Blu-ray release, where the director confirmed that Benicio del Toro is high on his wish list of new actors for the film. “It’s too early to talk about what the role is, but he’s such an amazing actor,” he said. “He’s so versatile. He could sort of do anything.” He went on to say that as soon as anyone was signed, news would be released to the public.
Meanwhile, Deadline scored a few practical details. First of all, the film is planned for a May 17, 2013, release to fill in the gap left by Roland Emmerich’s Singularity, which moved from that date to Nov. 1, 2013. Secondly, the site confirmed the Star Trek sequel will be shot in 3D. Writers Damon Lindelof, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are working on the script, and all stars will be returning.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Living the Greek Crisis
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Infographic: The Hippie Continuum
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
wasted time in the workplace (infographic)
Monday, October 17, 2011
autumn by the lake
Thursday, October 13, 2011
How The Top 50 Nonprofits Do Facebook: Infographic
The best liked nonprofit organization on Facebook also has the most engaged fans: Public Broadcasting Service.
That statistic appears in a nifty infographic that RAD Campaign created for CraigConnects, which looks like a Jumo competitor launched by Craigslist Founder Craig Newmark.
This infographic compares nonprofits’ revenues with the scope of the organizations’ social media efforts; we’ve excerpted the portions relevant to Facebook, but a more detailed version (including Twitter data) appears on where else but CraigConnects.
Let us know in the comments section beneath this post what you think about the infographic and how nonprofits are using Facebook.
We’ve seen Red Bull Racing show car runs on the beach, on ice and even in the Wild West but this one tops all of those (quite literally) as Swiss racer Neel Jani heads to India to take the Red Bull Racing show car 5,600m up the world’s highest driveable road – the Khardung Pass in India.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
what wiil you do
Friday, October 7, 2011
Nobel Peace Prize Winners 2011: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, Tawakkul Karman
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, peace activist Leymah Gbowee, and human rights activist Tawakkul Karman have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Prize Committee lauded their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and women's rights to fully participate in peace-building work. The three recipients were announced today in a ceremony in Oslo, Norway.
From the Nobel Peace Prize official website:
"It is the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s hope that the prize to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman will help to bring an end to the suppression of women that still occurs in many countries, and to realise the great potential for democracy and peace that women can represent."Karman, a 32-year-old mother who heads the human rights group Women Journalists without Chains, has been a leading figure in the protests against Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. "She is known among Yemenis as 'the iron woman' and the 'mother of the revolution,'" the Associated Press writes. "A conservative woman fighting for change in a conservative Muslim and tribal society, Tawakkul Karman has been the face of the mass uprising against the authoritarian regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh."
"I am very very happy about this prize," Karman told the news service from a protest tent in Sanaa. "This prize is not for Tawakkul, it is for the whole Yemeni people, for the martyrs, for the cause of standing up to (Saleh) and his gangs. Every tyrant and dictator is upset by this prize because it confronts injustice."
"With two civil wars, an al-Qaida presence and 40% unemployment, what else is President Saleh waiting for? He should leave office now," she told The Guardian.
Johnson Sirleaf, 72, is a Harvard-trained economist who became Africa's first democratically elected female president in 2005.
Sirleaf was seen as a reformer and peacemaker when she took office in Liberia, a country ravaged by civil wars that is still struggling to maintain a fragile peace.
Sirleaf is running for re-election this month and opponents i have accused her of buying votes and using government funds to campaign. Sirleaf denies the charges.
The committee cited Johnson Sirleaf's efforts to secure peace in her country, promote economic and social development and strengthen the position of women.
"We are dancing," Bushuben Keita, a spokesman for Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf's United Party told The New York Times. "This is the thing that we have been saying, progress has been made in Libera. We've come through 14 years of war and we have come to sustained peace. We’ve already started dancing."
Gbowee, head of the Women Peace And Security Network, was honored by the Committee for for mobilizing women "across ethnic and religious dividing lines to bring an end to the long war in Liberia, and to ensure women's participation in elections." Gbowee brought together Christian and Muslim women against the power of Liberia's warlords.
"I know Leymah to be a warrior daring to enter where others would not dare," Gbowee's assistant, Bertha Amanor, said to the AP. "So fair and straight, and a very nice person."
The prize is awarded by a five-person committee chosen by the Norwegian parliament, lead this year by Thorbjoern Jagland. Speculation had swirled over who would receive the prize, with Jagland telling the Associated Press that the prize would be given to something "obvious" that he considered "the most positive development" in the world right now.
According the official Nobel Prize website, today's presentation marks the 92nd time the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded since 1901.
When Alfred Nobel died in 1895, part of his last will and testament requested the distribution of his fortune as prizes for "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Last year's winner, Liu Xiaobo, received the award for his struggle for human rights in China. President Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize the previous year for his efforts in international diplomacy.
How well do you know past Nobel Peace Prize winners? Take the quiz below and find out!
How well do you know past Nobel Peace Prize winners?
To get the highest score, get all the answers right in the fastest time!
The clock will start as soon as you submit your first answer.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The problem with Greece
The problem with Greece, a set by DimitraTzanos on Flickr.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
CERN: ‘Speed of Light Exceeded’ (Maybe)
Sunlight (composed of photons) takes about 8 minutes, 19 seconds to reach Earth - Could a neutrino reach Earth faster? The news from CERN physicists that the speed of light “may have been exceeded” sent a lightning bolt of excitement and disbelief (not quite surpassing the speed of light) throughout the world’s physics community. Fully accepting that their results would be met with great skepticism, the same physicists are inviting other particle physicists and labs to verify — or disprove — their results, which, if validated, will overturn one of the principle tenets of modern physics: that nothing travels faster than the speed of light (notated as ‘c‘ in physical equations). Based in Switzerland, CERN physicists were experimenting with neutrinos (a mysterious class of virtually massless particles) by shooting them to an underground detector located over 450 miles (730 km) away in Italy. According to the detector results, the quantum particle reached its destination 60 nanoseconds faster than would a particle of light — that’s 60 billionths of a second — with a margin of error of just 10 nanoseconds. That tiny amount of difference in timing is a huge deal. According to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (from 1906), the speed at which light travels (whether as a wave form, or as a particle, known as a photon) is constant; no signal or flow of energy can surpass this cosmically limiting speed, which is rounded off to 186, 282 miles per second (decimal places excluded from that figure). Some theoretical physicists (Feinberg, Sundarshan, etc.) had previously postulated a faster-than-light-speed particle — termed a tachyon — to explain bizarre phenomena such as bosonic ‘string’ theory and quantum entanglement (in which two coupled particles, widely separated, appear to “communicate” instantaneously). But modern quantum theory views such “particles” as representing or indicating an instability in the system (i.e., the tachyon field) and not “real” particles, thus incapable of faster than light transmission. In the diagram, the interval AB is 'time-like'; i.e., there is a frame of reference in which events A and B occur at the same location in space, separated only by occurring at different times. If A precedes B in that frame, then A precedes B in all frames. It is hypothetically possible for matter (or information) to travel from A to B, so there can be a causal relationship (with A the cause and B the effect). The interval AC in the diagram is 'space-like'; i.e., there is a frame of reference in which events A and C occur simultaneously, separated only in space. However there are also frames in which A precedes C (as shown) and frames in which C precedes A. If it were possible for a cause-and-effect relationship to exist between events A and C, then paradoxes of causality would result. No, the limiting nature of the speed of light (and its mediating particle) seems necessary for any cosmic, causal sense-making. For physicist, the finite/constant speed of light (in a vacuum) is necessary to preserve “causality” in the normal sense of the word, wherein a ’cause’ precedes an ‘effect’. But, there is a theoretical paradox in which an effect precedes its cause (see the light cone diagram, left), and in which “faster than light signals” can be sent back into one’s own past, creating a causal paradox (if, and only if, no previous signal was received). There is also the odd phenomena in which the spot where the beam of a search light hits the bottom of a cloud can move faster than light when the search light is moved quickly (note: this effect/speed is not achieved in a vacuum).* However, under controlled laboratory conditions, there has been only one serious, experimental challenge to this physical constant: in 2007, physicists working with Fermilab’s Tevatron collider (located in the U.S.), achieved a similar feat with neutrinos, but the margin of error was quite large, and consequently, the results were dismissed by the physics community (too much “noise” in the detectors’ data). But CERN’s margin of error is much smaller. Currently, physicist the world over are either analyzing the results (for errors), or trying to duplicate the results in other particle accelerators (such as the J-PARC neutrino collider system in Japan, which is conducting its own neutrino and antimatter experiment called T2K). CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) is located outside Geneva, Switxerland, and is the world’s largest particle physics research laboratory and home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most powerful particle accelerator (note: the LHC was not used in this experiment). If verified, these experimental results would be “revolutionary” say scientists. Proving the existence of a faster-than-light-speed particle will not change how the Universe works, of course, but it will change our understanding of some of its fundamental features, the most fundamental of which (apart from the three Laws of Thermodynamics) is the speed of light, the square of which was introduced to the world’s consciousness through Einstein’s famous equation E = mc². For more information and to see a video from CERN, check out the Huff Post article ‘CERN: Light Speed May Have Been Exceeded By Subatomic Particle’ * [source]: Salmon, Wesley, Four Decades of Scientific Explanation; referenced on wikipedia.org, ‘speed of light’] top diagram: (sunlight time to Earth) Brews ohare ; CC – BY – SA 3.0 bottom diagram: (light cone) r Sakurambo Source: Planetsave (http://s.tt/13k2p)
Final Frontier Facts!
see more Funny Graphs
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys (plural: fleurs-de-lis) is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means flower, and lis means lily) or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol. It may be "at one and the same time, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic", especially in heraldry. It is represented in Unicode at U+269C in the Miscellaneous Symbols block.
While the fleur-de-lis has appeared on countless European coats of arms and flags over the centuries, it is particularly associated with the French monarchy in a historical context, and continues to appear in the arms of the King of Spain and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and members of the House of Bourbon. It remains an enduring symbol of France that appears on French postage stamps, although it has never been adopted officially by any of the French republics. According to French historian Georges Duby, the three leaves represent the medieval social classes: those who worked, those who fought and those who prayed.
In North America, the fleur-de-lis is often associated with areas first named or settled by the French. In the US, they tend to be along or near the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Some of the places that have the fleur-de-lis in their flag or seal are the cities of St. Louis, Louisville, Detroit, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge and the states of Louisiana and Missouri. In Canada, the coat of arms for the provinces of (officially monolingual) Quebec and (officially bilingual) New Brunswick contain the fleur-de-lis. There are many French-speaking people in other Canadian provinces for whom the fleur-de-lis remains a symbol of their cultural identity.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Team Transparency vs Team Anonymity
Thursday, September 8, 2011
45 years Star Trek a tribute infographic
Monday, September 5, 2011
the perfect Doodle ... Freddie Mercury 65 b-day anniversary
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2088856_2089137_2089236,00.html #ixzz1WzTQKLMz
Saturday, September 3, 2011
It's Always Summer
Heave the anchor short!
Raise main-sail and jib--steer forth,
O little white-hull'd sloop, now speed on really deep waters,
(I will not call it our concluding voyage,
But outset and sure entrance to the truest, best, maturest;)
Depart, depart from solid earth--no more returning to these shores,
Now on for aye our infinite free venture wending,
Spurning all yet tried ports, seas, hawsers, densities, gravitation,
Sail out for good, eidolon yacht of me!
by Walt Whitman
Friday, September 2, 2011
@ your service
@ your service
ser·vice noun
Definition of SERVICE
a : the occupation or function of serving
b : employment as a servant
a : the work performed by one that serves
b : help, use, benefit
c : contribution to the welfare of others
d : disposal for use
a : a form followed in worship or in a religious ceremony
b : a meeting for worship —often used in plural
: the act of serving: as
a : a helpful act
b : useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity —usually used in plural
c : serve
: a set of articles for a particular use
a : an administrative division (as of a government or business)
b : one of a nation's military forces (as the army or navy)
a : a facility supplying some public demand
b : a facility providing maintenance and repair
: the materials (as spun yarn, small lines, or canvas) used for serving a rope
: the act of bringing a legal writ, process, or summons to notice as prescribed by law
: the act of a male animal copulating with a female animal
: a branch of a hospital medical staff devoted to a particular specialty
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tempest Milky Way
Tempest Milky Way from Randy Halverson on Vimeo.
One of the challenges in making this video, was trying to get good storm and star shots. The opportunity doesn't come along very often, the storm has to be moving the right speed and the lightning can overexpose the long exposures. I had several opportunities this summer to get storm and star shots. In one instance, within a minute of picking up the camera and dolly, 70mph winds hit. One storm was perfect, it came straight towards the setup, then died right before it reached it.
At the 1:57 mark a Whitetail buck came in to check out the setup. It was caught on 20 frames, and was there for about 10 minutes. It was only 50 yards from the camera, dolly and light.
At the 3:24 mark, a meteor reflects on the water of the small lake, see still below in Photos. There are also quite a few other meteors in the timelapse.
This was all shot in central South Dakota from June-August.
Canon 5D Mark II for a few shots, Canon 60D and T2i
Canon 16-35, Tokina 11-16
Exposure on most shots was 20-30 seconds, ISO 1600 or 3200 F2.8.
Simon Wilkinson at http://www.thebluemask.com created the music "Tempest" and sound for it.
I used the Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly on most of the shots as well, it is awesome. http://www.dynamicperception.com
Contact for licensing or anything else
Randy Halverson
Google + https://plus.google.com/115274420552571826637/posts
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dakotalapse
Twitter http://www.twitter.com/dakotalapse
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Infographic: If Web Browsers Were Celebrities
Theory Street
Greece lives in a theory street, passing by bankrupt phrases. Perhaps we will not crash after all.
Theory and reality, people of Greece owes, people of Portugal, of Ireland, of Italy owes… And, people of Germany owes, yes, millions of people of Europe, of the US, owes billions to… somewhere… billions of people of Africa, Asia, people of the world owes trillions (?) to a few… to whom ?
We will live, but soon maybe Greece will belong to non Greeks, to banks owners perhaps. It's a new kind of business, to sell and buy countries.
Fake money, monopoly games, ghosts against people… theory and reality
And then peope against ghosts.
We don't know these days against whom we must fight, sometimes we turn against our selves, do we deserve it ?
Kill the King !